中华文明源远流长,曾长期居于世界领先地位,为人类文明做出了卓越的贡献。从秦汉建制、隋唐盛世、宋元之治,一直到明清之际,中华文明在世界上一直居于领先地位。中国文明延续发展至今,不但创造了丰厚富足的物质文明,还创造成了博大精深的精神文明。这一切成就不但泽被了华夏子孙后代,而且也是对世界文明的巨大贡献。A Kiss and a Promise
Once, Judith Sommerville and Alexis Vasilis were engaged. But that was a long time ago, and when Judith takes the position of caretaker to Alexis' young nephew, she believes their past will not interfere with her job. But Alexis has different plans. Even though their relationship has been over for years, he still wants Judith--and his kisses fill her with raging desire. But marriage is no longer on the table--or is it?