如果你有强者的心态和勇气,那么危机只会令你越来越强。从某种程度上来说,危机反而可以视为改革与成长的机会,要知道危机与困难只是表象,变革与创新、发展才是实质。而我们要做的,就是在危机中找到突破口,变压力为动力,让机遇成就自己! 本书告诉你如何在金融危机中把握机遇!在本书中,作者阐释了“危机就是良机”的观点,以典型的案例与生动的故事为论据,给危机中的人们以启发。见解独到、分析透彻,旨在让心怀梦想的人能在金融危机的浪潮中顺利着陆,也能在人生之路上超越自己,实现光和影的翔舞本书告诉你如何在金融危机中把握机遇!穿越:妖魅殿下极品丫头
什么东西最令人惊诧莫名?什么东西最令人热血沸腾?那就是掉进美男浴池里……“啪嘭”一声,兴奋的寒玉被摔得浑浑噩噩。摔得疼痛的娇嫩身子撑起来,透过朦胧的花影,天然温泉池里,氲氤的浓雾中……她掉进了美男浴池里?哗!好帅呀!Mediums Rare
Prolific screenwriter and genre novelist Richard Matheson has long maintained an interest in all matters relating to parapsychology, telepathy, ESP and other paranormal activity. His brief and elegantly printed new volume amounts to a lightly fictionalized history as well as quick, evocative episodes of paranormal activity from Greek antiquity all the way through renowned American psychic Edgar Cayce.Most of the episodes in this book depict the famous seers, mediums and performers of the nineteenth-century, whose feats Matheson clearly admires. Margaret and Kate Fox, aged ten and seven, in 1848 convinced their parents and many other Americans that they were in touch with ghosts in a haunted house. (Matheson notes that the adult Margaret recanted, explaining how she herself produced the ghosts' mysterious rapping noises: he believes the recantation fake, arranged by the sisters' enemies.)