“小子,扭过头给爷瞧瞧!”某女一只手摸着下巴,抖着一条腿。“何事?”男人转过身,摩擦着手里的剑!“呃……没事没事,您钱包掉了……”“哦?”男人挑眉,“你看着很……”眼熟。话未落,某女已经窜上树逃之夭夭……一个酷似高冷实则逗比的小偷,穿越未知的大陆打怪升级,废材的她却有一颗向上的心,还有一双欣赏美的火眼金睛,某女立志偷遍天下黄金美玉,享遍天下美人儿,但这是个金山与美人儿难以抉择的难题……More of Me
Teva goes to school, studies for her exams, and spends time with her friends. To the rest of the world, she's a normal teenager. But when she goes home, she's anything but normal. Due to a genetic abnormality, Teva unwillingly clones herself every year. And lately, home has become a battleground. When boys are at stake, friends are lost, and lives are snatched away, Teva has a fight on her hands—a fight with herself. As her birthday rolls around, Teva is all too aware that time is running out. She knows that the next clone will soon seize everything she holds dear. Desperate to hang on to her life, Teva decides to find out more about her past … and uncovers lies that could either destroy her or set her free.