本书为您揭开的是一张令人触目惊心的当下社会犯罪网络。从混迹人群中的扒手,到躲在深山老林里的悍匪,从横行街头的流氓,到逡巡在海岸线边缘的毒枭;他们似乎离我们很远,似乎又很近,看似悄无声息,却又如影随形;作者所描写的,正是这个光怪陆离而又真实存在的地下世界。警校学员余罪,在通过一次意外的选拔之后,被丢进了一间住满凶神恶煞的罪犯的牢房,他迅速发现,要在这个凶险万状的环境中活下来,自己必须比毒贩更奸诈,比窃贼更狡猾,比匪徒更残忍。他不仅要用罪犯的思维去理解犯罪,还要用罪犯的手段去对抗犯罪,更要和罪犯一样突破种种底线。A Dirge for Princes (A Throne for Sisters—Book Fou
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)From #1 Bestseller Morgan Rice comes an unforgettable new fantasy series.In A DIRGE FOR PRINCES (A Throne for Sisters—Book Four), Sophia, 17, battles for her life, trying to recover from the wound left by Lady D'Angelica. Will her sister Kate's new powers be enough to bring her back?The ship sails with the sisters to the distant and exotic lands of their uncle, their last hope and only know connection to their parents. Yet the journey is treacherous, and even if they find it, the sisters don't know if their reception will be warm or hostile.