中国的家长总是最苦情的家长,不怕累,不怕苦,半辈子都在为孩子操心。但实际上,这是一种费力不讨好的做法。教孩子,要抓关键点。3岁左右是多方面能力(感知觉、记忆、思维、个性等)发展的关键期。懂得了这一点,父母们教孩子就不用那么累了。本书将3岁关键期的幼儿发展进行了详细而通俗的讲述,告诉家长如何在让孩子在3岁的时候长对了,那么以后就一劳永逸了。New and Selected Poems
This volume contains a selection of work from each of Seamus Heaney's published books of poetry up to and including the Whitbread prize-winning collection, "e;The Haw Lantern"e; (1987). 'His is 'close-up' poetry - close up to thought, to the world, to the emotions. Few writers at work today, in verse or fiction, can give the sense of rich, fecund, lived life that Heaney does' - John Banville. 'More than any other poet since Wordsworth he can make us understand that the outside world is not outside, but what we are made of' - John Carey.