许一笙连续两个星期都在公交车上遇见傅凉薄,傅凉薄是她的同班同学,往日里他们从来都没有在这一路公交车上遇见过,别说一次偶遇的机会,就连碰见他的机会都没有。高三这一个特殊的时期,偏偏屋逢连夜雨,许一笙从未来回到了过去,就是她高三时与傅凉薄唯一的渊源就是这一天。在未来,许一笙和傅凉薄大学时期就在一起,大学毕业三年以后他们才领证结婚。许一笙结婚以后问起傅凉薄高中时为什么不和她表白时,傅凉薄默默地扔了一个卫生球给她,语气毫无感情地说:“早恋害人。”Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping?
As a single dad, Matthew Carroll didn't always have someone to share in his frequent laughter and incredulity at the various things his daughter, Morgan, said. Hoping to docu?ment some of her best commentary, Carroll took to recording her choicest quotes on his iPhone when she was between the ages of three and five. He then compiled them chronologically in a small homemade volume for friends and family who, compelled by the hilarious and touching content, encouraged him to share it with a larger audience. Can I Sit on Your Lap While You're Pooping? is the record of the hilarious, crazy, and touching pronouncements of a little girl, but it's also the irresistible documentation of the love between a parent and child.