订婚夜,洛言沁遭未婚夫算计,跟别人结婚了。更没想到,那男人,是他未婚夫的小叔——御墨琛。一开始,御墨琛对她避之如蛇蝎。她为了摆脱御家,只好一次次找他麻烦。久了,这麻烦也就摆脱不掉了。某天助理来报,“总裁,洛小姐跑了,还是带球跑的。”御墨琛怒,“跑什么跑?孩子同意让她生,对她也千般柔宠,她是想上天吗?”助理弱弱的应,“可是总裁……洛小姐说了,跟了您,没名没分的,她想出去给孩子找后爹。”“她敢!你立刻去准备车!二十四辆,组成迎亲队伍,把她给我逮回来!她生的孩子,只能叫我爹!”The Subterraneans
Written over the course of three days and three nights, The Subterraneans was generated out of the same kind of ecstatic flash of inspiration that produced another one of Kerouac's early classics, On The Road. Centering around the tempestuous breakup of Leo Percepied and Mardou Foxtwo denizens of the 1950s San Francisco undergroundThe Subterraneans is a tale of dark alleys and smoky rooms, of artists, visionaries, and adventurers existing outside mainstream America's field of vision.我都被你惊呆了