The Peculiars
This dark and thrilling adventure, with an unforgettable heroine, will captivate fans of steampunk, fantasy, and romance. On her 18th birthday, Lena Mattacascar decides to search for her father, who disappeared into the northern wilderness of Scree when Lena was young. Scree is inhabited by Peculiars, people whose unusual characteristics make them unacceptable to modern society. Lena wonders if her father is the source of her own extraordinary characteristics and if she, too, is Peculiar. On the train she meets a young librarian, Jimson Quiggley, who is traveling to a town on the edge of Scree to work in the home and library of the inventor Mr. Beasley. The train is stopped by men being chased by the handsome young marshal Thomas Saltre. When Saltre learns who Lena's father is, he convinces her to spy on Mr. Beasley and the strange folk who disappear into his home, Zephyr House. A daring escape in an aerocopter leads Lena into the wilds of Scree to confront her deepest fears.新闻(生活晨报优秀作品集)
《生活晨报》是三晋文化研究会主管、主办的山西省一级报纸,国内统一刊号CN14-0030,全国公开发行。自1994 年1 月1 日创刊以来, 晨报始终坚持正确的舆论导向,以“关注民生,服务百姓;关注经济,服务建设;关注文化,服务社会”为宗旨,以“美好生活,共同创造”为理念,围绕生活,指导生活,引领生活,报纸发行量和社会影响力不断提升,受到社会各界和广大读者的喜爱。目前,晨报日均发行量超过10 万份,同时,在太原城区400 余个社区拥有600 余个阅报栏,覆盖人群超过百万。