敌人 朋友 还是伙伴
20世纪即将过去。回顾这百年的历史,对中华民族的发展影响最大的国家除了俄国—苏联外,当属美国和日本。预计在下世纪,对中国安全和发展最有影响力的国家仍将是美日这两个国家。美日是头号和二号发达资本主义国家,中国要实现跨世纪的发展战略目标,就必须保持和平稳定的周边环境,并扩大对外开放,为此就必须同这两个国家打交道,而且还要打好交道。和平与发展是当今世界时代主题,求和平、图发展是世界潮流,是世界人民的普遍愿望和迫切需要,是一切进步力量的崇高事业。中国作为一个占世界人口1/5的大国,应当为维护世界和平作出更大的贡献。Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar
Here's a lively, hilarious, not-so-reverent crash course through the great philosophical traditions, schools, concepts, and thinkers. It's Philosophy 101 for everyone who knows not to take all this heavy stuff too seriously. Some of the Big Ideas are Existentialism (what do Hegel and Bette Midler have in common?), Philosophy of Language (how to express what it's like being stranded on a desert island with Halle Berry), Feminist Philosophy (why, in the end, a man is always a man), and much more. Finally—it all makes sense!