韩天阳,我喜欢你,你喜欢我吗?每当想起自己拒绝了麦宝的表白,就让清冷矜贵的韩天阳后悔莫及。如果时光能再给他次机会,他一定会抱紧这个丫头。不让纪家那头猪给拱了。纪辰初次见麦宝,是这丫头表白失败,恼羞成怒自己扎了自己一刀。他还从来没有见过,能对自己下这么狠手的娇娇大小姐。那时他心里只有一个想法,他要宠她,宠她,宠她。她心里有别的男人,没关系他让那个男人,没机会出现在她面前。有不长眼的人,在她面前搬弄事非,没关系他让那人生不如死人人都知道,花名在外的纪少对麦家小姐痴迷成疾人人都知道,纪少和韩军长是死敌,见面就冷嘲热讽,纪韩两派之间相互拆台,使手段更是家长便饭。这一切只因为麦家的那个妖艳货Struts & Frets
Music is in Sammy's blood. His grandfather was a jazz musician, and Sammy's indie rock band could be huge one day—if they don't self-destruct first. Winning the upcoming Battle of the Bands would justify all their compromises and reassure Sammy that his life's dream could become a reality. But practices are hard to schedule when Sammy's grandfather is sick and getting worse, his mother is too busy to help either of them, and his best friend may want to be his girlfriend. Told in a voice that's honest and wry, Struts & Frets will resonate not only with teenage musicians but also with anyone who ever sat up all night listening to a favorite album, wondering if they'd ever find their place in the world.