“女人,你杀了朕的爱妃要如何向朕交代!”邪魅的声音在红色的喜幔内回旋。 “司空轩,放开我!”女子怒吼着,手中金色凤钗闪着寒凉的光芒!想刺破压于自己身上的男子的心脏,却无能为力!司空轩浅笑,手猛的一挥,薄纱喜服四分五裂,邪恶的眼眸肆无忌惮的盯着,低哑道:“新妃被你杀,也只有你来代替了!我的德妃!不过我也得提防你的狠毒!”清脆的骨骼碎裂声让人毛骨悚然!女人手中的凤钗无力的掉落,手腕瞬间青黑!她忍痛一声不吭!即使她成了他的女人,她也要让他得不偿失!
《美食天下第1辑:家常汤煲精选128例》精选了128道家常汤煲,并且按照所选食材分为农校畜肉汤、美味禽蛋汤、鲜香水产汤、营养菌豆汤、清新蔬果,详细的介绍了煲汤的技巧,,只要掌握了这些技巧,您也可以煲出一碗好汤。每款菜品的食材简单易得,做法说明文字非常详细,让读者一看就懂。The Epic Crush of Genie Lo
The struggle to get into a top-tier college consumes sixteen-year-old Genie's every waking thought. But when she discovers she's a celestial spirit who's powerful enough to bash through the gates of heaven with her fists, her perfectionist existence is shattered. Enter Quentin, a transfer student from China whose tone-deaf assertiveness beguiles Genie to the brink of madness. Quentin nurtures Genie's outrageous transformation—sometimes gently, sometimes aggressively—as her sleepy suburb in the Bay Area comes under siege from hell-spawn. This epic YA debut draws from Chinese folklore, features a larger-than-life heroine, and perfectly balances the realities of Genie's grounded high school life with the absurd supernatural world she finds herself commanding.