Vivian feels left behind when her older sister, Audra, runs away from home. She believes that Audra will return and pays careful attention to the clues around her. Then, inexplicably, writing begins to appear in a blank notebook. When Audra does come back for Vivian, she's in the company of a strange man. The three of them run away together and practice wilderness survival. While Audra plans for the future, Vivian continues to gather evidence: Who is this mysterious man, and does he have any connection to the words appearing in her notebook? Klickitat is a haunting story, full of atmosphere and awakening, crafted by one of today's most startling literary talents. "The dreamy narration is evocative of The Virgin Suicides…it might be a readalike for E. Lockhart's We Were Liars…"--VOYA美国年度畅销悬疑小说精选集(全集)
美国年度畅销悬疑小说系列,令人无法呼吸的紧张体验,不翻到最后一页就无法探知真相!《大美人》美国亚马逊畅销作家榜No1、《今日美国》超级畅销作家詹姆斯·哈金斯新作!《蝴蝶花园》一部难得的高人气高分心理悬疑惊悚小说。出版即被好莱坞买下电影版权的超爆惊悚悬疑小说。《爱因斯坦的预言》依据真实史料,再现二战真实场景!发售后蝉联美国亚马逊电子图书畅销总榜数十周!《死钥匙》美国亚马逊2014年度悬疑惊悚类“图书突破大奖”作品。《致命绑架》一部让人背脊发寒的小说,挑战你神经官能的承受力!《黑暗诱惑》多次入围悬疑推理类大奖达芙妮杜穆里埃大奖,美国亚马逊年度编辑推荐书籍!The Second Funeral of Napoleon
本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。Worlds of Ink and Shadow
Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Bront? siblings find escape from their constrained lives via their rich imaginations. The glittering world of Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy world of Gondal literally come to life under their pens, offering the sort of romance and intrigue missing from their isolated parsonage home. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as the characters they have created—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go. Gorgeously written and based on the Bront?s'juvenilia, Worlds of Ink and Shadow brings to life one of history's most celebrated literary families in a thrilling, suspenseful fantasy.