在浩瀚无际的宇宙之中,漂浮着无数地星球,在一颗放射着永恒光芒的星球之上;生活着一群勇敢、可爱、善良的孩子,在一位叫老顽童爷爷的帮助之下;他们每年都要完成一项任务,而今年他们的任务就是,“探索宇宙间的奥秘”!!!Death in a Strange Country
Early one morning Commissario Guido Brunetti of the Venice Police confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of a fetid canal. All the clues point to a violent mugging, but for Brunetti the motive of robbery seems altogether too convenient. When something is discovered in the victim's apartment that suggests the existence of a high-level conspiracy, Brunetti becomes convinced that somebody, somewhere, is taking great pains to provide a ready-made solution to the wkkk.net with atmosphere and marvelous plotting, Death in a Strange Country is a superb novel in Donna Leon's chilling Venetian mystery series.腹黑相公俏皮妻
只是在备课时打了个盹儿而已嘛,想不到一觉醒来便不知今夕是何夕了。被人仓促地像打包礼品一般塞进了花轿里,就要送到新郎家。她杜晓晓还真是有够歹命的,被嫁就如同往外扔垃圾一样,难道她真的这么不招人待见?事实证明,她不止歹命,而且已经到达了悲惨的境地。一个人能多悲惨,她算是在新婚之夜全部都见识到了。穿过来还没见过爹娘就像扔垃圾一样被嫁出去,这不算悲惨;在被嫁的路上由小丫鬟告诉自己她的名声不好,是城里有名的剩女兼荡女,这也可以不算悲惨;洞房之夜,被夫君家里的下人讥笑,替他们的少爷叫冤,好,这可以不算太悲惨;但是在新婚之夜发现自己的夫君是个未成年的小屁孩儿,而且开口就一连叫了自己剩女、荡女、丑女、傻女,还跟自己大战了三百回合,把自己赶到了凉冰冰的地上睡,这总该算是悲惨了吧?老妻少夫?说实话,她对这词儿说不上喜欢,纵使老牛吃嫩草,沾了光的是她。兜兜转转,当自己终于发现喜欢上了那个可恶的臭小子之时,天公却不肯作美,给了他们波折重重。当爱转恨,情变冷,被四段或爱或恨的姐弟恋纠缠不休的她又该何去何从?冷硬霸道的他;阴险狡猾的他;宽容大气的他;温柔善良的他;究竟他们中的谁又是她的情之归处?本文结局一对一,预备轻松、小虐,不太正,小白程度一般。女主非万能女强人,但也非花痴白女,正常女是一定滴,呵呵。某透的群1:8643742(这个群比较安静,喜欢静的来这个!偶尔有空位,加不进的加群2.)某透的群2:56940683(这个群要热闹,进群长期潜水者定时踢!)友情推荐:好友紫鸣的女尊新文《一瓢美男妃》,喜欢女尊的亲们不要错过哦!On the Loom
In On the Loom, Maryanne Moodie brings the ancient art of weaving to the modern day in a comprehensive guide packed with step-by-step tutorials and beautiful photography. Learn the basics of this simple and beautiful craft with valuable information on basic stitches, tools needed, and even how to make your own looms. Split by loom type—circular, rectangular, and even found objects—24 lush, bohemian, and uniquely modern projects for the home and to wear draw deeply on the nostalgic quality of vintage textiles. In addition to the how-to, this is the ultimate resource for finding your own creativity and style through this medium, from learning which materials to use for different effects to discovering how to use color to create vintage-inspired projects with a modern twist.