上一世的明王府郡主苏月华为了许言川放下了矜持,放下了自尊,违逆了家人,众叛亲离,但他还是娶了别的女子。这一世重新来过,她开始努力让自己变得更优秀,更出色。她发现这个世上除了许言川之外还要很多值得她喜欢的男子,比如说柴王府呆萌呆萌的柴小王爷、皇宫里帅的不要不要的三皇子、还有刚从前线打了胜仗回来的那个粗中有细的阮将军……哎,世界如此美好,为毛她上辈子没有看到?啥?许言川来她家提亲了?想要十里红妆娶她?上辈子他干嘛来着?滚粗!什么?他说有苦衷?什么?还是天大的苦衷?那……她也不嫁!--情节虚构,请勿模仿Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie
I had a bad August. A very bad August. As bad as pickle juice on a cookie. Eleanor's beloved babysitter, Bibi, is moving away. Suddenly, the things she used to enjoy aren't fun anymore —everything reminds her of Bibi. To make matters worse, Eleanor has a new babysitter, who just isn't the same. But as the new school year looms ahead, so do new beginnings. And Eleanor is about to learn some special things about herself, friendship, and the bittersweet process of growing up.