他用十一个血淋淋的日夜。证明他向人民跨出了一步。可是他无意彻底背叛而倒向人民一边,最后来了个向后转。向相反的方向走了。而他可贵的一步,是他一生中的光荣! ——题记。—九四三年深冬。中国大地寒气凝重。蒋介石以国家元首的身份飞到埃及的开罗,与美国总统罗斯福、英国首相邱吉尔坐到会议桌前。会议主要是讨论对日作战的问题。要收复被日本占领的—切领土,要日本无条件投降。Molloy
Molloy is Samuel Beckett's best-known novel, and his first published work to be written in French, ushering in a period of concentrated creativity in the late 1940s which included the companion novels Malone Dies and The Unnamable. The narrative of Molloy, old and ill, remembering and forgetting, scarcely human, begets a parallel tale of the spinsterish Moran, a private detective sent in search of him, whose own deterioration during the quest joins in with the catalogue of Molloy's woes. Molloy brings a world into existence with finicking certainties, at the tip of whoever is holding the pencil, and trades larger uncertainties with the reader. Then I went back into the house and wrote, It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows. It was not midnight. It was not raining.神医倾城:腹黑将军独宠妻