斯迪姆·席普·凡迪恩,是一名文学杂志社的编辑。中年以后开始从事文学创作,先后创作了《死亡游戏》、《上帝的救赎》等一系列侦探小说。他的作品出版后立刻在西方社会引起了巨大的轰动,使出版商一而再、再而三地创下最高销售纪录。并由此开启了美国推理侦探文学创作的黄金时代,凡迪恩在他的小说中塑造的主人公菲洛·万斯,身兼艺术鉴赏家和业余侦探的双重身份,他运用以心理分析为中心的分析方法,将犯罪事件视为一件艺术品,把整个破案过程当做一场心智游戏的演练,努力研判其涉及到的各种心理因素,并借此推理出凶手的真实面目,他也因此被誉为“美国的黄金神探”。Iron Cast
It's Boston, 1919, and the Cast Iron club is packed. On stage, hemopaths —whose "afflicted" blood gives them the ability to create illusions through art —Corinne and Ada have been best friends ever since infamous gangster Johnny Dervish recruited them into his circle. By night they perform for Johnny's crowds, and by day they con Boston's elite. When a job goes wrong and Ada is imprisoned, she realizes how precarious their position is. After she escapes, two of the Cast Iron's hires are shot, and Johnny disappears. With the law closing in, Corinne and Ada are forced to hunt for answers, even as betrayal faces them at every turn. An ideal next read for fans of Libba Bray's The Diviners.