从《窗外》到《还珠格格》,琼瑶的作品深入人心,影响了近半个世纪的人们的价值观与爱情观,可以说“琼瑶现象永不过时”。但读过此书你会发现,你从未真正认识过她,即使她的名字已经无人不知。所以她说:我要写一本书,来介绍真实人生中的我!本书共分为三个部分,从她四岁时讲起。琼瑶生于战乱、长于忧患,童年受尽流离之苦,少年尝尽愁滋味,爱情到访却百转千回,所以写作成为了她生命中的伊甸园、避风港。人到晚年,她的“生死观”再度引起大家的热议。她用细腻又温情的笔触,完整地回忆了自己这传奇的一生。《我的故事:增订版》由琼瑶本人修订,新增五万字内容,书中还新增了数十张珍贵的照片。认识真正的琼瑶,应该从本书开始。President Elect (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 5)
"One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Any Means Necessary)PRESIDENT ELECT is book #5 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1), a free download with over 500 five star reviews!When China threatens to bankrupt the U.S. by calling in its debt, Americans are desperate for radical change. President Susan Hopkins, running for re-election, is floored as she watches the returns come in. Her rival—a madman senator from West Virginia who ran on the promise to nuke China's islands out of the South China Sea—has, inconceivably, won.小青梅有点甜:巨星竹马,宠入骨