影凌雨原创小说“红娘,我想喝忘情水”杨轩:“对不起,我这只卖普通酒水,不卖忘情水,要喝忘情水,去孟婆那儿要去!还有不许叫我红娘!”“红娘,我想吃蟠桃”杨轩:“对不起,此店不卖蟠桃,要吃蟠桃找大圣去,别来烦我!还有说了不许叫我红娘了!”“红娘,我想喝威士忌”杨轩:“朋友,你没看外面的招牌吗?我这儿只卖老白干,要喝威士忌去隔壁歌厅找去,都说了不许叫我红娘!”老子要爆发啦!“红娘,红娘,我想跟你做朋友”杨轩:“行啊,不许叫我红娘!”不然老子现在就把你挫骨扬灰。你们难道都tm眼瞎,看不出来我是男人吗?!Earth Apples
While best known for his fiction, Edward Abbey was also an enthusiastic creator of verse. Earth Apples, Abbey's first and only collection of poetry, adds to his literary reputation as an irreverent writer. Whether writing about vast desert landscapes, New York City, or a love of bawdy women, Abbey's verse is eloquent and unapologetically passionate. The poems gathered here, published digitally for the first time, are culled from Abbey's journals and give an insightful and unique glance into the mind of this literary legend.