《弟子规》原名《训蒙文》,为清朝康熙年间秀才李毓秀所著。以三字一句、两句一韵编纂而成。详述了为人子弟在家、出外、待人接物、求学应有的礼仪与规范,是启蒙养正,教育子弟养成忠厚仁爱道德风尚的经典教材。《增广贤文》又名《昔时贤文》《古今贤文》,是一部古训集、民间谚语集。其内容汇集了为人处世的各类谚语,很有哲理性,释道儒各方面的思想均有体现。《声律启蒙》按韵分部,包罗天文地理、花木鸟兽、人物器物等虚实应对。从单字到双字、三字对、五字对、七字对到十一字对,节奏明快,朗朗上口。《幼学琼林》是中国古代儿童的启蒙读物。最初名叫《幼学须知》,又称《成语考》《故事寻源》。Getting There
The path to success is rarely easy or direct, and good mentors are hard to find. In Getting There, thirty leaders in diverse fields share their secrets to navigating the rocky road to the top. In an honest, direct, and engaging way, these role models describe the obstacles they faced, the setbacks they endured, and the vital lessons they learned. They dispense not only essential and practical career advice, but also priceless wisdom applicable to life in general. Getting There is for everyone—from students contemplating their futures to the vast majority of us facing challenges or seeking to reach our potential.死丫头,你给本尊死回来