她是土云国臭名昭著的草包小姐。母亲早死,父亲厌恶,在沐家受尽欺侮。民间流传着这样一句话,“草包莫攀比,婉歌无人及。脸皮若计厚,沐家无人斗!”穿越后:“太可怕了,你知道吗?沐家的那个草包竟然拿着刀子差点杀了她的嫡母!”“这个草包竟然连公主都敢辱骂!”“她一个人居然将公主最得力的手下们都给打败了!”“啊!这个女人还是人吗?竟然能将一群狼杀光?!”……从此,民间又流传着这样一句话,“宁可得罪阎王爷,莫要惹上沐婉歌!”当现代呼风唤雨的佣兵之王,重生在不受宠的庶女身上,睁开双眼,精光乍现,世人惊叹,风华万千。面对嫡母的刁难,她冷笑,一把匕首抵上女人的脖子,在女人惊骇的目光中冷冷道:“你信不信我一刀刺破你的喉咙,再将你的身体一刀一刀割下来,丢到深山里面喂狗!”她以为她这辈子都是无牵无挂,却没想到惹上一腹黑的主,而且,甩都甩不掉!当坚强狂傲的女子,撞上那风神如玉、腹黑狡猾的男子,又会发生什么故事?在这乱世中,烽烟四起,且看她纤纤素手,扭转乾坤,铁血柔情,与他并肩成就一段传奇!本文一对一,男强女强,强强联手,且男女主角身心干净!更有天才宝宝!男主看似温润如玉,实则腹黑狡猾!Once Hunted (A Riley Paige Mystery—Book 5)
"A masterpiece of thriller and mystery! The author did a magnificent job developing characters with a psychological side that is so well described that we feel inside their minds, follow their fears and cheer for their success. The plot is very intelligent and will keep you entertained throughout the book. Full of twists, this book will keep you awake until the turn of the last page."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re Once Gone)ONCE HUNTED is book #5 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with the #1 bestseller ONCE GONE (Book #1)—a free download with over 600 five star reviews!A prison break from a maximum security prison. Frantic calls from the FBI. Special Agent Riley Paige's worst nightmare has come true: a serial killer she put away years ago is loose.And his main target is her.