美容可以很有趣,变美可以很简单。2千万网友翘首以待,三大中文社区在线美容秘诀一册全收。十大美容编辑联合推荐,时尚美容最佳读本。 美丽人生,完美肌肤。不花钱的食物疗法和美容法,你还在等什么呢?一个单身女人要做的50件事
美好的事物不一定非要成双结对,举例说吧:世界上最大的钻石“希望之心”,它就是独一无二的!所以,即使是单身,也有别样的美丽。只要你的心态没有问题你的单身生活就不会有问题。《一个单身女人要做的50件事》就是想要告诉所有单身的女人,单身不只是一个开始,其实只要你愿意,就可以幸福很久很久。真正懂得享受当下的状态,单身的你便不再孤独愁闷,而会一直自信快乐。不仅是单身女人自己,甚至你周围的人也会发现:一个人的生活同样精彩!The Piano Teacher
The most popular work from provocative Austrian Nobel laureate Elfriede Jelinek, The Piano Teacher is a searing portrait of a woman bound between a repressive society and her darkest desires. Erika Kohut is a piano teacher at the prestigious and formal Vienna Conservatory, who still lives with her domineering and possessive mother. Her life appears boring, but Erika, a quiet thirty-eight-year-old, secretly visits Turkish peep shows at night and watched sadomasochistic films. Meanwhile, a handsome, self-absorbed, seventeen-year-old student has become enamored with Erika and sets out to seduce her. She resists him at firstbut then the dark passions roiling under the piano teacher's subdued exterior explode in a release of perversity, violence, and degradation.