世上没有无端的怨恨,一切杀意必有缘由……我要去的地方冷风一直在吹, 那是一片阳光永远无法照进的松林, 在那里,我整夜颤抖,丈夫的头颅在车轮下, 而他的身体却从未被找到……一切的偶然都是必然——致所有“不可能”的杀人案件。没有出口的迷宫,凶手就在拐角处,21个不可能的杀人案件,21个深埋心底的无限怨恨……我打开卫生间灯的时候,奈美那颗美丽的头颅就在洗手池里,被我切断的脖根处残缺不齐,昏黄灯光下她的皮肤开始腐烂发紫,微微张开的嘴里伸出一条舌头,白色的虫子在鼻翼边蠕动,混浊的眼珠正对着镜子端详自己,一如她生前那样喜爱臭美……Tales from the Hood (Sisters Grimm #6)
Funny, suspenseful, and fast-paced, The Sisters Grimm continues to charm readers with its outrageous take on familiar fairy tales. In Ferryport Landing everyone gets a day in court—even the Big Bad Wolf, a.k.a. Mr. Canis. When Canis is put on trial for past crimes, Mayor Heart's kangaroo court is determined to find him guilty. It's up to the Grimms to uncover evidence to save their friend, though Sabrina starts to wonder whether they would all be safer with the Wolf in jail. Despite her misgivings, Sabrina and her sister, Daphne, investigate what actually happened in the Big Bad Wolf's most famous tale—and the real story is full of surprises!营养主食面点精选128例