当你期待孩子对如波提切利、维米尔、德加、夏加尔和波拉克的作品有兴趣,并能有一些初步的个人感受,但苦于不知如何引导孩子看艺术。本书告诉你如何激发孩子对艺术的兴趣?带孩子成功参观的秘诀是什么?每个年龄阶段对艺术的关注点有什么不同?本书颠覆艺术史的传统写法,与艺术品相关的时代、背景、主题、创作者等理论知识都被置之一旁,走进艺术的起点就是作品!弗朗索瓦芭布·高尔长期研究孩子欣赏艺术的特点,汇集了世界知名的30幅经典艺术作品,完全以孩子的视角、孩子的问题、孩子的语言对经典艺术发问,是本真正写给孩子看的艺术书!The Inside Story (Sisters Grimm #8)
After the shocking ending of The Everafter War, this book picks up with Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck stuck in the Book of Everafter, where all the fairy tales are stored and enchanted characters can change their destinies. The girls (and Puck) must chase the Master through a series of stories, where they're willing to change what they need in order to save their baby brother. Soon, however, they are confronted by the Editor—the book's guardian—who, along with an army of tiny monsters known as Revisers, threatens the children with dire consequences if they don't stick to the stories. As they chase their quarry and dodge the Revisers, they meet Alice, Mowgli, Jack the Giant Killer, Hansel and Gretel, the Headless Horseman, and more.