从成长中可能遇到的问题出发,内容涵盖了勤奋、坚强、自信、乐观等诸多与孩子健康成长密切相关的方面,人选的故事通俗易懂,道理清晰明了,版式活泼多样,容易激发孩子强烈的阅读兴趣,能够起到极好的教育和熏陶作用,对于提高孩子的文化素养、拓展孩子的知识面大有帮助。好习惯成就好未来,孩子从小养成良好的习惯,成就大事业将不再是遥不可及的梦想。Hebrew Myths
This is a comprehensive look at the stories that make up the Old Testament and the Jewish religion, including the folk tales, apocryphal texts, midrashes, and other little-known documents that the Old Testament and the Torah do not include. In this exhaustive study, Robert graves provides a fascinating account of pre-Biblical texts that have been censored, suppressed, and hidden for centuries, and which now emerge to give us a clearer view of Hebrew myth and religion than ever.Venerable classicist and historian Robert Graves recounts the ancient Hebrew stories, both obscure and familiar, with a rich sense of storytelling, culture, and spirituality. This book is sure to be riveting to students of Jewish or Judeo-Christian history, culture, and religion.邪帝心尖宠:废材也逆天