Vivian feels left behind when her older sister, Audra, runs away from home. She believes that Audra will return and pays careful attention to the clues around her. Then, inexplicably, writing begins to appear in a blank notebook. When Audra does come back for Vivian, she's in the company of a strange man. The three of them run away together and practice wilderness survival. While Audra plans for the future, Vivian continues to gather evidence: Who is this mysterious man, and does he have any connection to the words appearing in her notebook? Klickitat is a haunting story, full of atmosphere and awakening, crafted by one of today's most startling literary talents. "The dreamy narration is evocative of The Virgin Suicides…it might be a readalike for E. Lockhart's We Were Liars…"--VOYA《盗梦空间》与亚当·斯密:电影与经济的思想共鸣
"身为经济世界中活动的一分子,本该能看懂经济舞台上发生的一切,并理智地参与其中,不幸的是,我们的经济世界被分割成两半:一边是高谈阔论的专业人士,在高端的圈子内自说白话、我行我素;另一边是懵懵-瞳懂的普通人士,在平凡的世界里朦胧地 理解经济世界发生的变化。《盗梦空间与亚当·斯密》这本书,就是要将思 考力和参与权还给经济高墙外的普通大众——《盗梦空间》与国际货币体系演变 《少年派的奇幻漂流》与中国经济增长 《绿野仙踪》与金本位复辟打开电影看经济,我们能发现不同空间里的同一种逻辑!