Originally written in French and translated into English by Beckett, Endgame was given its first London performance at the Royal Court Theatre in 1957. HAMM: Clov! CLOV: Yes. HAMM: Nature has forgotten us. CLOV: There's no more nature. HAMM: No more nature! You exaggerate. CLOV: In the vicinity. HAMM: But we breathe, we change! We lose our hair our teeth! Our bloom! Our ideals! CLOV: Then she hasn't forgotten us.强撩上榻:帝尊的嗜血狂妃
【双强双处1V1绝宠】一代杀神陨落,觉醒异世废材小姐身,从此人生开挂逆袭。欺她者,拔舌剜眼,辱她者,断臂割喉,看谁还敢小瞧她?!嗯,还有那个阴魂不散的男人,乖乖听话,奉上你的……男人强扑上榻,嗓音低沉:“本尊定当奉上毕生精华。”哎哎哎她不是这个意思啊喂?!! 本文暂停更新。