司羽:我知道他就是诸葛亮。我又不傻,怎么可能不知道?诸葛亮:我要的人一直都是她。之前,现在……还有将来。——————顾安:你说我现在去跟他认个错,他将来打我的时候会不会轻一点儿?许攸:这个我倒是不知道,我只知道你现在要过去的话肯定会挨打。顾安(看着前面的两人若有所思):那我还是不去了吧。许攸(摸头):知道就好。——————————刘子良:好久不见……你特么越来越智障了呢?张欣宇:……给我留点面子啊!Door into the Dark
Originally published in 1969, Seamus Heaney's Door into the Dark continues a furrow so startlingly opened in his first collection, Death of a Naturalist (1966). With the sensuosness and physicality of language that would become the hallmark of his early writing, these poems graphically depict the author's rural upbringing, from the local forge to the banks of Lough Neagh, concluding in the preserving waters of the bogland and a look ahead to his next book, Wintering Out (1972).从斯密到马克思:经济哲学方法的历史性诠释