这是一次对英雄事迹的重温,也是一次对烽火年代的回望。所有的重温和回望,都是因为在这些远去的英烈们的身上,深藏着我们民族不可失落的魂魄。阅读他们的故事,从中感受到生命的韧劲与执著;走进他们的内心世界,心灵会得到无数次震撼与洗礼。Lend Me Your Ears
The third edition of an internationally best-selling collection of classic and modern oratory, Lend Me Your Ears offers numerous examples of the greatest speeches ever delivered—from the ancient world to the modern. Speeches in this edition span a broad stretch of history, from General George Patton inspiring Allied troops on the eve of D-Day to Pericles' impassioned eulogy for fallen Greek soldiers during the Peloponnesian War; and from Jesus of Nazareth's greatest sermons to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fiery speech in response to the Bush vs. Gore decision that changed the landscape of American politics in our time.Editor William Safire has collected a diverse range of speeches from both ancient and modern times, from people of many different backgrounds and political affiliations, and from people on both sides of history's greatest battles and events. This book provides a wealth of valuable examples of great oratory for writers, speakers, and history aficionados.太平洋战场的胜利(下卷):杀向东京