Voyagers III
Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Keith Stoner, is now head of Vanguard Industries which has recovered an alien ship. As a result, Jo's company now controls the incredible wealth of technology aboard the ship as well as the fortune it reaps in - not to mention control of Keith Stoner.What Camerata does not know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the recesses of Stoner's mind. The alienate presence that has kept Stoner alive for so long is now free and fully intends to explore our world and will let nothing stand in its way.改变时局的历史事件(下)
本书讲述从“第五十一回 林制军慷慨视师 琦中堂昏庸误国”到“第一百回 举总统孙文就职 逊帝位清祚告终”的历史。自康乾盛世之后,清朝又开始走向下坡路。西洋异族船坚炮利,屡犯国门,泱泱大国今天割地、明天赔款;国内太平天国起义、义和团运动等累得清朝君臣顾此失彼,国势也渐渐衰退下去。直至武昌发难,各省响应,竟把大清朝生生地推翻了……