★慕容浅苏,本是“痴傻呆笨愚”五绝占尽的庶出女;凌云,21世纪女强人,智慧,心机,手段样样不缺。一朝穿越,灵魂转世,变化翻天覆地。斗女人,斗男人,斗小孩,斗老人,斗天,斗地,能斗的不能斗统统都不放过!家斗,宅斗,宫斗,要什么斗就有什么斗,只怕你们不敢斗!傻女如何变得强悍,人人嫌弃的痴傻庶女如何成强势王妃?------【精彩片段之一】------“说,你们来做什么?”瑞王气不打一处来,瞥了一眼眼前的两人,心中恨恨。“退婚!”------【精彩片段之二】------“好,本王看你也甩不了什么花招!”瑞王讪讪地接过锦盒,“如果你承认自己配不上本王,本王就考虑考虑关于退婚的事,如何?”“不好意思,这件事不由你说了算,瑞王爷!”慕容浅苏一声冷笑,“我已经派人张榜示众了,所以王爷您已经成为了苍月国第一个被女子退婚的男子。以前是你不屑于我慕容浅苏,可今天是我嫌弃你!”面具之下的眼眸中带着异样的神彩和捉摸不定的光芒。------【精彩片段之三】------“别打了,快别打了,别…”还不等二夫人说完,二夫人已经死死地压在了三夫人的身上,大夫人的一记重锤狠狠地砸在了二夫人的身上,而三夫人则拼命地拽着二夫人的头发不放。“你打我!”二夫人抬起她那张愤怒不已的脸朝着大夫人的脸就是一拳,好心来劝你们竟然打我,二夫人心中的火苗蹭蹭蹭地往上涨。大夫人先前是懵了,这会儿被二阴鬼狠狠来了一个面罩心中的怒气更甚,直接朝着二夫人一个狠狠地巴掌,打得五个红红的手指印清晰可见。“啪”地一声脆响,紧接着三夫人也毫不留情地朝着二夫人一个耳刮子,“谁不要命了,压得你姑奶奶连气都踹不过来了?我打死你!”三夫人此刻早就已经发丝混乱得跟女鬼似的,被大夫人打得眼冒金星,脑袋稀里糊涂地完全分不清楚对手是谁,只见着一个人就打。“你个贱人!我打死你们!”二夫人朝着大夫人和三夫人那是拼了命的打啊,什么新仇旧恨就通通一起算了,打的那是不亦乐乎!大夫人、二夫人、三夫人就这样厮打在了一起,在那满身污泥的庭院中扭打撕咬,简直就像是野兽哪里是什么名门贵妇!=======【云】======请点击【放入书架】,多多收藏,多多留言,多多支持!亲们,赶紧用钻石和花花砸云吧(乞求打滚中)Press Conference
Harold Pinter can sketch a world in a few lines which reveal the power of his vision focussed on the horrors that have been and that are to come.A Dirge for Princes (A Throne for Sisters—Book Fou
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)From #1 Bestseller Morgan Rice comes an unforgettable new fantasy series.In A DIRGE FOR PRINCES (A Throne for Sisters—Book Four), Sophia, 17, battles for her life, trying to recover from the wound left by Lady D'Angelica. Will her sister Kate's new powers be enough to bring her back?The ship sails with the sisters to the distant and exotic lands of their uncle, their last hope and only know connection to their parents. Yet the journey is treacherous, and even if they find it, the sisters don't know if their reception will be warm or hostile.