他穷追不舍,她避他如蛇蝎。 后来,他想和她结婚,想的不得了。 明琉月没忍住笑了出来,慢悠悠的从包里拿出了一个本子,摆在他面前,“我从我妈那里把户口本拿来了。”“所以,请问沐浔羽先生,准备好成为我的唯一法定配偶了吗?” 【1V1无脑甜】
Caryl has loved Brad since she was eighteen. But it was her sister, Emma, whom he loved and wanted to marry. Still, the relationship was fated not to last, much to the chagrin of Brad's father, Sir Geoffrey.When Brad comes to Caryl with a half-mad scheme--impersonate her sister Emma and pose as his fiancée to bring the old man some happiness in his final days--Caryl has misgivings. But she can't say no to the man she's loved since childhood. Can she win Brad for herself--or will their marriage remain in name only?世界战役秘闻(世界军事之旅)