《加缪文集3:反与正婚礼集夏天集》为《加缪文集》第三卷,散文集《反与正》叙述了童年生活;《婚礼集》和《夏天》表述了对生活的热爱和对死亡的恐惧;附《瑞典演说》是1957年作者荣获诺贝尔文学奖后发表的演说。阿贝尔·加缪(Albert Camus,1913—1960),法国小说家和戏剧家,存在主义的代表作家之一,1957年获得诺贝尔文学奖。加缪在50年代以前,一直被看作是存在主义者,尽管他自己多次否认。1951年加缪发表了哲学论文《反抗者》之后,引起一场与萨特等人长达一年之久的论战,最后与萨特决裂,这时人们才发现,加缪是荒诞哲学及其文学的代表人物。庶女重生,凤后倾天下
前世被所谓的亲人欺辱至死,她恨极立誓:“若有来生,必教欺我、辱我、负我之人千刀万剐!死无身葬!”重来一世,她一改软弱:仗势欺人的嫡姐装贤淑?她便以白莲相候!恶毒嫡母假温柔?那她便以冷厉交锋!本以为此生将为前世仇恨所困,却不想遇到了他……那人微微一笑,俊美如仙如幻,“我以真心相待,卿可愿以心相换?”皇朝后裔?凤氏遗脉?她手缚寒针,杀奸佞,斩外敌,与君共战!【情节虚构,请勿模仿】Spell of the Island
When Emma's sister travels to the exotic island of Mauritius in pursuit of a man who's clearly toying with her heart, Emma is determined to rescue her. But when she arrives on the island, she meets the man herself--handsome, arrogant Paul Fanchotte--and is immediately smitten.Paul is gorgeous, sensual, and infuriating--and soon Emma completely understands her sister's dilemma. It's not long before she is caught in a web of desire--and falls desperately in love. But Paul has made a vow never to fall for a woman. Can Emma make him break that vow--or will it be her heart that's broken?