Molloy is Samuel Beckett's best-known novel, and his first published work to be written in French, ushering in a period of concentrated creativity in the late 1940s which included the companion novels Malone Dies and The Unnamable. The narrative of Molloy, old and ill, remembering and forgetting, scarcely human, begets a parallel tale of the spinsterish Moran, a private detective sent in search of him, whose own deterioration during the quest joins in with the catalogue of Molloy's woes. Molloy brings a world into existence with finicking certainties, at the tip of whoever is holding the pencil, and trades larger uncertainties with the reader. Then I went back into the house and wrote, It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows. It was not midnight. It was not raining.炮(怀旧童书馆·怀旧童年)
《炮》一书由原来的《炮》和《鞋》两小书组成。《炮》以书中其中一篇文章名为书名,也做了新版的书名。《炮》一书分为七个部分“炮的来历”、“大战葫芦口”、“ 炮上了太行山”、“ 一炮打下了二十四个炮楼”、“ 炮变成了神话”、“ 炮又上太行山了”、“炮和人民见面了”,是作家苗培时为建国初的小朋友们写的一本书,生动描绘了建国前在河北地区八路军抗击日本侵略者时,获得了一门神勇无比的大炮,战士们利用这门大炮打击日本鬼子,震慑了无数伪军,这门炮一时名声大噪,成为神话。