The Rise and Fall of the Gallivanters
In Portland in 1983, girls are disappearing. Noah, a teen punk with a dark past, becomes obsessed with finding out where they've gone —and he's convinced their disappearance has something to do with the creepy German owners of a local brewery, the PfefferBrau Haus. Noah worries about the missing girls as a way of avoiding the fact that something's seriously wrong with his best friend, Evan. Could it be the same dark force that's pulling them all down? When the PfefferBrau Haus opens its doors for a battle of the bands, Noah pulls his band, the Gallivanters, back together in order to get to the bottom of the mystery. But there's a new addition to the band: an enigmatic David Bowie look-alike named Ziggy. And secrets other than where the bodies are buried will be revealed. From Edgar-nominated author M. J. Beaufrand, this is a story that gets to the heart of grief and loss while also being hilarious, fast paced, and heartbreaking.憋宝人(江河湖海里的诡异事件)
南派三叔极力推荐的作家,一部带您认识真实存在的水怪,追溯水怪源头、种族、习性的禁忌冒险小说 !20年前,晋陕黄河大峡谷中惊现一头房子般大的巨龟,古老神秘的憋宝人重出江湖,身怀绝技的白袍少年,一座由死人组建的鬼魅阴城……黄河古道中潜伏的铁头龙王,长江三峡神秘的蛟龙,雅鲁藏布江食人怪兽,新疆喀纳斯湖巨型水怪,种种迹象,全部指向出那个水下隐藏了数百年的秘密。