一场无情阴谋,初恋离世。一场异国相遇,情根深种。*彼时纽约。一件黑色西装披身,他救她于危难之中,从此,她成了他心底的一抹朱砂,挥之不去。Elaine,是他的最佳情人,是他放在心尖上极尽宠爱的女人。安夜辙,他护她,纵她,拥她,宠她,只为她的真心托付。最终,却换来她的无情离开,伤他,更伤她。*再次相遇。他是A市众星捧月的酒店业新贵安少,万众瞩目,英俊完美。她是赫赫有名的江氏集团千金小姐,高贵美丽,注定万千宠爱。他再次撒下天罗地网,势必将她牢牢困住。她果断反击,最终却是为了哥哥的幸福再次与魔共枕。*小片段:“Elaine,你是以什么身份来跟我说话,嗯?”男人站起来,骨骼分明的手指紧紧攥住以凌瘦削的下巴。熟悉的烟草味席卷而来,以凌深吸一口气,抬眸望进男人深邃墨黑的瞳孔。“安夜辙,我求你。”她微仰着头,哀求的语气,却是满脸的倔强。“Elaine,求人就应该有求人的姿态,要我答应你,是不是你也应该答应我一个条件,这才公平呢?”“你说。”以凌扭头,躲开他钳制住自己下巴的手指。“和我结婚。”冰冷的话语从男人的薄唇幽幽吐出。*人人都说安少对女人的新鲜期不会超过一个月,却不知,曾经的安少,独宠了一个叫Elaine的女人整整三年。他是她的劫,亦是她的命。The Runaway's Gold
In 1842, Christopher Robertson's family lives a difficult life as "crofters," farmers and fishermen so in debt to the landowner that they have no hope of ever breaking free. To make matters worse, Christopher also lives under the thumb of his morally questionable father and devious brother. When his brother frames him for the theft of their father's secret bag of coins, Christopher must leave his home and embark on a journey across the island to return the coins and clear his name. It's a journey that takes twists and turns, including stops in prison, on a smuggler's ship, and at the house of a beautiful girl —and it ends with him escaping to a new life in America, which has dangers of its own.