苏瑾穿越成了一篇毁三观的总裁文的恶毒女配,可还没等她来得及怀疑人生。就已经在套路中苦苦挣扎,幸好她人品还不错,被她逮着一个不迷恋女主的吃瓜群众,妥妥就是上帝派下来的天使。苏瑾真是感动的不能自己,一心只想套路他一把找条活路。谁知道那吃瓜群众的行动比她还快,总裁文的套路摸得比谁都熟,还没得苏瑾抱上大腿,就已经在床上起不来了。苏瑾泪奔:丫的,就不能少一点套路,多一点真诚么?我真的只是单纯的想抱个大腿。顾总坏坏一笑,欺身而上:没不让你抱啊,而且,我还十分好心给你来了个上门服务。A Trace of Death (a Keri Locke Mystery--Book #1)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter, years before, never found. Still obsessed with finding her, Keri buries her grief the only way she knows how: by throwing herself into the cases of missing persons in Los Angeles.A routine phone call from a worried mother of a high-schooler, only two hours missing, should be ignored. Yet something about the mother's voice strikes a chord, and Keri decides to investigate.尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记