有人云,凡间种种情爱欢畅,仙家往往无福消受。不知此生位列仙班,是福是祸?是幸亦或是不幸?如果注定是一场彼此真情的消耗,还不如各自安好,相忘于江湖。可是注定这天上地下,没有如果,只有结果。人间少女化身天界仙女,经历磨难却真心不改;仙山神医却是来历不明,身处何地都仁厚正义;妖界公子苦于亲情爱情,一念成佛又一念成魔;仙界闺秀囿于善恶争斗,迎风沐雨终收获幸福……他们注定相遇,却又注定分离;世间纷扰,爱恨纠缠,矢志不渝。这世间的情,相聚的不相爱相爱的不相亲相亲的不相信莫不如一开始就没有爱如此便可以安稳一世了吧可是为什么到如今时,想起你时,我依旧泪眼朦胧连这漫天的云霞,也看不清楚When You Wish upon a Rat
With echoes of such classic wish-gone-wrong books as Freaky Friday, Half Magic, and Coraline, this terrific novel has the potential to become a middle-grade wkkk.net-year-old Ruth Craze is pretty sure she's stuck in the wrong life. With an absentminded inventor for a father and a flighty artist for a mother, it's always reliable Ruth who ends up doing the dishes, paying the bills, and finding lost socks. Her brothers are no help (they're too busy teasing her), and her friends have just decided she's not cool enough to be a part of their group anymore. So when Rodney the Rat —a slightly sinister stuffed animal that was a gift from her favorite aunt —suggests a way out, Ruth is ready to risk everything. Three wishes. Three chances to create her perfect life. A million ways to get it wkkk.net for When You Wish Upon a Rat"Winning, original moments." —Kirkus Reviews"An engaging look at friendship and family." —Booklist