中国历来有向学的传统,把读书看得很神圣。古人为我们树立了读书的榜样:苏秦头悬梁、锥刺骨,匡衡凿壁偷光,董仲舒三年不窥园……这样的典故还有很多。这些"书痴"不仅书读得好,人生也很成功,对后世产生了很大的影响。人们崇尚读书,尊重读书人,乃至习惯于对读书人高看一筹,这是烙在中国人灵魂中深深的印记,永远都抹不掉。今人读经典,正是这种传统的延续。AARP's 2014 Almanac
AARP's Almanac is packed with facts, figures and fun stuff relevant to people 50+. With a newly revised format, this treasure trove features--+ Ways to save money this year, including places to get free stuff (from good-for-you yoga classes to decadent doughnuts) as well as scams to avoid and seasonal best buys+ Milestone birthdays for celebrities, politicians and thought leaders, along with tidbits you may not know about them (such as who was inspired to become a lawyer by Perry Mason episodes?)+ A monthly guide to good health, seasonal power foods and delicious--and, yes, healthy--recipes+ Great vacation spots, film festivals, book fairs and food festivals nationwide+ Landmark 50th anniversaries to be celebrated in 2014, from the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act to the Beatles' debut on "The Ed Sullivan Show"+ Tips for reimagining your life+ Supreme Courts cases that could affect you and your family带着英雄联盟系统回火影