Devil and the Bluebird
Blue Riley has wrestled with her own demons ever since the loss of her mother to cancer. But when she encounters a beautiful devil at her town crossroads, it's her runaway sister's soul she fights to save. The devil steals Blue's voice—inherited from her musically gifted mother—in exchange for a single shot at finding Cass. Armed with her mother's guitar, a knapsack of cherished mementos, and a pair of magical boots, Blue journeys west in search of her sister. When the devil changes the terms of their deal, Blue must reevaluate her understanding of good and evil and open herself up to finding family in unexpected wkkk.net Devil and the Bluebird, Jennifer Mason-Black delivers a captivating depiction of loss and hope.草样年华:谁的青春不忧伤
一场邂逅,打开了一个孤寂的心扉,是你让我逃离了围城般的寂寞。那场不快的恋爱之后,上天赐你予我,就这样我们邂逅青春的花季,情不知从何起,一往而深。一场苦恋,让我们许下了一场生死不离;无数的劫难,注定了你会让我为你穿上那件女人为之痴迷的嫁衣;想想一晃而逝的日子,我们得到的又是什么?前世恩怨烽火再起,今生的儿女情长,熟知仇恨何止?爱情在你我左右徘徊,生活在激发着我们的志,每一天都在不停的探求,探求那些不属于我们的下一秒Theologico-Political Treatise P4