在竞争日益激烈的经济环境下,每一个企业都在呼唤能够自动自发的员工。如果你是企业的老板,想培养勤奋敬业、忠诚可靠的优秀员工,你需要将本书赠送给他们;如果你是一名员工,想创造骄人业绩,想得到老板的赏识与提拔,你更需要读读本书。Voyagers II
Keith Stoner had been in a state of suspended animation for eighteen years. It was eighteen years earlier that Stoner had been an American member of a joint U.S. - Soviet venture to capture an alien ship, but when the Soviets had to pull out, Stoner willfully persisted and it was then, during that time on the strange ship that Stoner fell into the strange state that was neither here, nor there.Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Stoner is now head of Vanguard Industries, which has recovered the alien ship. As a result, her company now controls the vast new technology and the fortune it reaps in - as well as control of Keith Stoner. What Camerata doesn't know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the labyrinths of Stoner's mind.红女王