因为巨额的彩礼,她把自己“卖”给了景子墨,本以为,景子墨能够成为她一生的倚靠和挚爱,新婚之夜,他扔下她离开,从此以后再也没有踏进过她的房间。“这是你得到景太太的代价!”他经常带着不同的女人出现在他们家里,她是景太太,过的却还不如一个女佣。“我们离婚,我什么都不要,给你自由也让我自由。”相互折磨,没有爱情的婚姻让夏浅感觉很疲惫,也累了。事到如今,景子墨忽然发现,原来夏浅才该是和他白头到老的那个人。只是那颗心,早已被伤害和绝望,连呼吸都变的那般的疼痛。Attack of the BULLIES (NERDS Book Five)
The grand finale to the New York Times bestselling series, Attack of the BULLIES stars Ruby Peet, aka Agent Pufferfish, the team captain with super nanobyte-enhanced allergies. Pufferfish leads the team in their latest case: the kidnapping of the president's daughter. But the NERDS discover she hasn't been kidnapped—she's been recruited. Their former librarian, Ms. Holiday, has started a rival organization called BULLIES, who each have their own nanobyte-enhanced upgrades. The BULLIES' plan: go back in time to make sure NERDS never existed! When Ruby's teammates begin to vanish one by one, she enlists Agent Brand and Heathcliff Hodges to go back to the 1970s and help the original nerdy secret agents make sure that the future is not erased from existence! Attack of the BULLIES promises action, humor, and a dramatic conclusion to the series.管人先做人,带人要带心