那年,我和他开始了长达两年的同居生活。同在一屋檐下,却不知对方姓名。我们是彼此最亲密的陌生人。直到——“从明天开始,我不会再来这套公寓。”“我知道了。”正式宣告结束,才是真正的结束。我爱上的那个男人,直至分开我连他是谁都不知道。四年后再遇,一句“幸会”,我侥幸的以为那个男人已经忘了我。可是为什么,在那之后他的一举一动都在告诉我,他全都记得?!Polar Distress (Dr. Critchlore's School for Mi
Runt Higgins has a long to-do list. He needs to find out who cursed him, and why; he needs to make up with his best friend, Syke; and he needs to pass the Junior Henchman Training Program. That last one? Not likely. Professor Murphy hates Runt and is actively trying to fail him. The only way for Runt to pass the class and stay at Dr. Critchlore's school is to locate a rare mineral that Dr. Critchlore needs to make an Undefeatable Minion. To find it, Runt must travel to icy Upper Worb and battle gyrfalcons, yetis … and the loathsome team from Dr. Pravus's school. Their newest member? Runt's former best friend, Syke.