天才少女遭人背叛,坠崖身亡?!意外穿越到异界大陆,成为了苏府声名远扬的废柴大小姐。废物?你见过可以将你吊打的废物吗! 花痴?哼,本小姐岂是如此肤浅之人!傻子?不好意思,你所崇拜的天才大师就是我。神秘古戒,引起惊世秘密,八方势力涌动,无数次交锋试探,明争暗斗,她在刀锋上盘旋。纵横大陆,踏遍危地,在一次次磨难中涅槃重生,王者,终将归来!“我何其幸运,拥有你们,可以陪我走向巅峰!”(1v1)Darkthaw
For as long as Emmeline can remember, she's longed to leave the isolated world of the settlement and explore the wilderness that calls to her in her dreams. And now that the Council has fallen, she will finally, finally get that chance. With First Peoples guide Matisa at her side, Emmeline rallies a brave group to join her on her quest into the unknown, including her beloved Kane and his two younger brothers. But the journey soon proves far more dangerous than Emmeline anticipated—with warring clans, slavers, colonists, disease, and natural disasters seemingly at every turn. After putting so many lives in danger, she starts to doubt everything she once knew. Did she make the right choice to leave the settlement—and can her relationship with Kane survive the ordeal? Matisa insists that to set things right and to fight the evil that is bringing all this danger and turmoil to the forest, Emmeline must journey to Matisa's people—even if that means leaving Kane behind.神医帝凰:误惹邪王九千岁