老师教你知识 我教你智慧
一贫如洗时寒窗苦读,金榜题名时洞房花烛,只可惜,新娘不是她这个小农妇!一纸休书快马加鞭,几年辛苦喂了白眼狼!种田、织布、绣花、喂牲畜,洗衣、做饭、伺候公婆、教养孩子。气血郁结,一朝睁眼,潋滟芳华。生不出儿子就来抢我的?唇边勾起一抹嘲讽,秦羽瑶一把护住儿子,飞腿踢飞一干侍卫——想要儿子?下辈子吧!这一次,她只为自己发光发热,她要把最好的捧到儿子面前!掂掂勺子,开开布庄。只不过想让日子好过点,艾玛,一不小心,却名动天下,最后万人景仰。还有,这个一脸猥琐笑容的妖孽男人是怎么回事,竟然敢觊觎她这个小娘子?------“瑶儿,想当年……”渣男当街拦住,欲作忏悔。啪!一锭银子丢过去,砸落他半边牙齿。“老娘就是后悔当初如花年华全泡在农粪里了,还敢跟我谈当年,我和你有个毛线的当年!”秦羽瑶用缠枝金钗拨了拨碎发。“瑶儿,话也不能这么说,一日夫妻百日恩,更何况……更何况我们还有孩子。”渣男继续好言劝着,他就不信这小农妇不看这点薄面替他求情。“爹爹?”边上的小不点跑出来,一脸臭屁道,“你哪一点像我爹爹?就你那副尊容怎么可能会有本少爷这么帅气的儿子!”------“窈窕淑女,君子好逑……”宇文景身着蟒服,手摇折扇,深情款款地念诗。“我不做妾,皇帝的妾也不行!”秦羽瑶昂首擦过。白衣王爷噙着清浅笑容,薄唇轻启,丝滑的声音流淌而出:“瑶儿,坐到我身边来。”在一干羡慕嫉妒的目光中,秦羽瑶大步上前,在男人颊上一吻:“这是我的,你们都离远点!”“爹爹,娘亲……还有我……”Lend Me Your Ears
The third edition of an internationally best-selling collection of classic and modern oratory, Lend Me Your Ears offers numerous examples of the greatest speeches ever delivered—from the ancient world to the modern. Speeches in this edition span a broad stretch of history, from General George Patton inspiring Allied troops on the eve of D-Day to Pericles' impassioned eulogy for fallen Greek soldiers during the Peloponnesian War; and from Jesus of Nazareth's greatest sermons to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's fiery speech in response to the Bush vs. Gore decision that changed the landscape of American politics in our time.Editor William Safire has collected a diverse range of speeches from both ancient and modern times, from people of many different backgrounds and political affiliations, and from people on both sides of history's greatest battles and events. This book provides a wealth of valuable examples of great oratory for writers, speakers, and history aficionados.