杜坷,一个名牌大学的硕士研究生,毕业后加入H公司,从事销售工作。初入职场的他,哪里知道职场的无情和现实的残酷?刚到销售一线,就被硬性安排接手一个没人愿意接手的客户。还没有来得及把情况搞清楚,就掉入了竞争对手设计好的圈套,丢掉了自己职业生涯的第一个单子。无路可退的杜坷,承受着巨大的压力,受尽了同事的冷嘲热讽和领导的责骂,在绝望中寻找希望,在逆境中成长,逐步实现了自己的布局。他期待着机会的来临……几千万的项目不期而至,让杜坷看到了希望……A Skinful of Shadows
A Skinful of Shadows is a dark YA historical fantasy set in the early part of the English Civil War. Makepeace is an illegitimate daughter of the aristocratic Fellmotte family, and as such, she shares their unique hereditary gift: the capacity to be possessed by ghosts. Reluctant to accept her appointed destiny as vessel for a coterie of her ancestors, she escapes. As she flees the pursuing Fellmottes across war-torn England, she accumulates a motley crew of her own allies, including outcasts, misfits, criminals, and one extremely angry dead bear. From Costa Book of the Year winner Frances Hardinge comes a new dark historical fantasy that's sure to satisfy her leagues of fans who are eager for more. ?