(女主非傻白甜,爽文,双洁1v1)外人都说乔氏集团的大小姐乔惜然柔美娴静,无忧无虑,集万千宠爱于一身,没人知道,事实往往都相反。她手段狠厉,每天忙着铲除‘小三’,还得狠虐情敌,智斗闺蜜,最可怕的是,自己的‘未婚夫’还总想着给她找顶绿帽子戴戴?就在这忙得不可开交的时刻,还偏偏遇上了一只‘披着羊皮的狼’,总有预谋的想要夺她的心?真是凑不要脸的!American Quartet
Detective Fiona Fitzgerald is an unlikely force for justice in Washington, D.C.'s predominantly male police force. As a Senator's daughter and top investigator in the homicide division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Fiona maneuvers between two vastly different worlds, moving quickly from opulent State galas to gritty crime scenes. Born into the elite social circles of the nation's capital, and armed with intimate knowledge of the true face of the political establishment, Fiona is determined to expose the chicanery concealed within the highest echelons of the American political aristocracy.When a string of inexplicable murders rocks the hallowed streets of central D.C., Fiona finds herself charging through the shadows of a mysterious conspiracy. Faced with an investigation with no leads and a rising body count, Fiona's reputation as a top investigator is called into question.