历经一场劫难,雨凤和雨鹃终于遇到命中贵人,一家五口这才有了安身立命之处,但,暗藏在雨娟心中那团复仇的火焰,却仍然熊熊烧着。偏偏雨凤爱上了展家大少爷云飞,在亲情与爱情、仇恨与依恋之间,她该如何取舍?雨娟又会采用什么激烈的报复手段,以告慰父亲的在天之灵?真是爱也千千万!恨也千千万!House Divided (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 7)
“One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel.”--Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary)HOUSE DIVIDED is book #7 in the USA Today bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (Book #1), a free download with over 500 five star reviews!A passenger jet is attacked in northern Africa by terrorists wielding RPGs, resulting in an enormous loss of life. Yet U.S. intelligence reports this is merely a distraction, a prelude to a worse terror incident.