本书的主旨就在于:给他们提供一种避免吃亏上当的处世哲学;让?们看清职场的形势,摸清自身所处环境的布局;给他们提供一种灵活而有效的工作方式和方法;告诉职场里的老黄牛们,如何尽快适应现代社会的发展,如何能够更快、更好地行走于职场,在职场理直气壮地占有一席之地,创造出辉煌的业绩。The Changeling
Oe introduces Kogito Choko, a writer in his early sixties, as he rekindles a childhood friendship with his estranged brother-in-law, the renowned filmmaker Goro Hanawa. Goro sends Kogito a trunk of tapes he has recorded of reflections about their friendship, but as Kogito is listening one night, he hears something odd. "I'm going to head over to the Other Side now," Goro says, and then Kogito hears a loud thud. After a moment of silence, Goro's voice continues: "But don't worry, I'm not going to stop communicating with you." Moments later, Kogito's wife rushes in; Goro has jumped to his death. With that, Kogito begins a far-ranging search to understand what drove his brother-in-law to suicide. His quest takes him from the forests of southern Japan to the washed-out streets of Berlin, where Kogito confronts the ghosts from his own past and that of his lifelong, but departed, friend.凭心而言(最受学生喜爱的散文精粹)