一部关于战争记忆、国家罪行和民族悔罪的政治游记。二战结束七十年来,当正义的一方欢呼胜利,德国和日本这两个“危险的民族”,又是如何面对自己不光彩的过去?表面看来,德国人对大屠杀的彻底反省,日本对侵略责任的抵死不认,世人有目共睹;然而在历史的阴影下,关于奥斯维辛、广岛、南京这几个炼狱之所,关于历史的胜者审判和历史的纪念泛滥,以及为了实现“正常化”的努力和手段,两个看似迥异的国度,实则都充满了难以分辨是非的灰色地带。走访历史的暧昧角落、捕捉冠冕堂皇话语之下的潜台词,同时作者也不忘一再追问:究竟该由来偿还,这罪孽的报应?The Secret of Rover
The Secret of Rover follows the clever and resourceful twins Katie and David as they race across the country in their attempt to outwit an international team of insurgents who hold their parents and baby sister captive in a foreign land. Held hostage because they invented a spy technology called Rover that can locate anyone in the world, Katie and David's parents are in grave danger. Now, it's up to Katie and David to rescue them. But first they must find their reclusive uncle, whom they have never met—the only person they know who can help them. This page-turning story from a debut author with insider knowledge of Washington is fun, suspenseful, and convincingly real.