Understand Rap
Rap songs are famous for their double entendres, clever turns of phrase, and general ingenuity, but that doesn't mean things always make sense the first time around. Enter Understand Rap, a very funny pop-cultural reference book based on the website of the same name, which precisely explains the confusing lyrics and terms used in rap songs using language that even the most un-hip person can understand. The juxtaposition of a dry, academic tone with hip-hop terminology results in a book that's as entertaining as it is informative.宠妻有瘾:总裁请吃药
福尔摩斯虽然是阿瑟·柯南道尔笔下塑造的人物,但能跨越时空、历久弥新,他以最有趣、最引人的手法,在大多数人的心目中引起共鸣:人们都有探索黑暗与未知的好奇,也都有找出真相、伸张正义的向往。就在事实与想象里、在假设与证据间、在科学理论与小说创作下,人们心中都有福尔摩斯的影子!福尔摩斯的冷静、智慧和勇气,在悬疑紧凑的故事情节里是最值得玩味的。他敏锐的观察力和缜密的推理分析是破案的关键所在。随着社会的进步,各种鉴识科技应运而生,为侦案工作提供了更多更好的帮助,但这位神探的博学多闻、细心耐心、追求真理、坚持原则的特质,应该是这套书背后所要传达到的重要含义。Crediting Poetry
The Nobel Lecture Seamus Heaney received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995 'for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt the every day miracles and the living past'. Crediting Poetry is the first publication of the lecture he delivered at the Swedish Academy on 7 December 1995.